Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Video: Internet Marketing Tip: How to Add an Event on LinkedIn

NOTE: The Events module is no longer available on LinkedIn.

You can add events on LinkedIn.  It's easy.

On this video, I demonstrate
  • How to Add an Event on LinkedIn
  • How to Add the Event LinkedIn Application
  • How to Look up Events on LinkedIn (Other People's Events)
Here is the video.  It's a little longer than it should be--about 9 minutes, but I show several things.  (The bulk of the lesson is covered within the first 5-1/2 minutes.)

Here are three (3) reasons to add an event to LinkedIn.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Marketing Tip: 3 Ways to Use Press Releases (Including Online Branding!)

Press releases are an overlooked POWERFUL online marketing tool.

Press Releases are really important for marketing your business on the Internet, but many online marketers seems to look over them.  Every marketer should be taking advantage of them!

Press Releases are not sexy, but they are effective.

Many people have heard or read about article marketing, but press releases are NOT articles.

Articles are really good for helping establish credibility about a specific expertise a person or company might have.  Sometimes, they will rank fairly well within Google (and other search engines), but so many people have used articles to gain ranking that

Press Releases are often more powerful than articles.

Here are 3 Ways to Use Press Releases

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Video: Using LinkedIn for Personal Branding

William Arruda (  of Reach Personal Branding (  posted a video on YouTube about how you can use LinkedIn for your personal branding.

He gives some tips that are good for general branding, but he gives personal branding tips specifically for LinkedIn.
  • Brand Your Summary on Your LinkedIn Profile
  • Get a Good Profile Photo Shot
  • Get Recommendations from Your LinkedIn Connections
  • Link to Your Websites
  • Link to Twitter
  • Join Groups
Below, I summarize his points, and I add a few of my own points about using LinkedIn for personal branding.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Branding Tip: About Us Section: Can people REALLY write about you or your company?

Could a stranger write your "About You" or "About Your Company" section very well?

Most of us personally have some presence on the Internet, and our businesses have, at least, SOME presence on the Internet.

Within my quick video, "Free Marketing Tip: Improving Your Branding Image on the Internet," I give a few simple tips about ways to brand yourself a little better when people search your name.

However, I ran across a situation last week that made me realize something really important.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Over 7 Ways to be a Leader in Social Media

Many of us want to be leaders.

While it is true that most people hide from the spotlight, there are many people who really would like to be a leader, but they aren't really sure how to be one.

Within social media, I notice a big vacuum of leadership, much of which is one (1) of two (2) extremes:
  • Mr. Blaster: This can be a guy or a girl, but this person is always posting (blasting) new discussions or advertising something about himself (or herself).  This person probably posts often.  However, this person never responds to any comments within his or her posts, and he (or she) surely never makes a comment within another person's post.
  • Mr. Invisible: Probably, this person is not trying to be a leader.  This person is reading a lot of what is posted, but you never see this person.
For those people who WANT to become a leader on social media, it seems to me thatsocial media makes it pretty easy to act as a leader--therefore, it is almost as easy to become one...if you really want.

Each leader has his or her own ideas on how to become a leader, but here are some of my tips on how to be a leader in social media.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Lessons Learned: SMM Won't Work - Unless You're Social and Marketing

This week taught me a good lesson.

Social media marketing (SMM) does not work if you aren't using it properly.

I did some really good things last week.  I gave a couple of talks and helped within another class (part of a 5 session series on WordPress), but I forgot to do some things that I was doing right.

Last month was a really good month for my blog.  I made several blog posts that captured a lot of people's attention.  I deserved it, because they were good.

However, I deserved it for an entirely DIFFERENT REASON.

I marketed what I did, but that was not the only thing I did.  I was also social while I was marketing.

Things That Worked
  • I was writing blog posts about topics that would really help a lot of people.
  • I was marketing these posts--mostly about LinkedIn Tips--to people within LinkedIn.
  • I posted several topic-specific posts to people within topic-specific groups.
  • I responded to people well, and I personalized (most) of my responses--going the extra mile and catering to something that I saw on their profile.
  • I sent personal messages when someone offered something particularly insightful or uniquely encouraging.
  • I commented on other people's posts.
 This last point is exactly what I did wrong during the last couple of weeks, but that was not all.

Here is what I was doing wrong this past couple of weeks, especially this past week.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

LinkedIn Tip: You can change the order of your sections.

You can change the order of your LinkedIn Sections--and it's EASY!

Do you want your LinkedIn Recommendations to be listed first?  No problem!

Would you prefer to list your Education first?  Again, No problem!

Here is a video that shows (basically) how to do it. (It's a little different today, but not much!)

This video is slightly outdated, but the concept is the same.  No longer are there "handles" on the upper-left corner of each LinkedIn section.  You just grab ANYWHERE on the LinkedIn Section Header and drag it to the location where you want people to see it.  (It's still EASY!)

If you don't want to watch the video, here are the steps.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Over 7 Things in Your LinkedIn Profile That I'm Checking

If I am about to meet someone that I have never met or don’t know that well, I am doing my homework.

I am probably going to check your LinkedIn Profile.

When I Google-search the name of a specific person, often that person’s LinkedIn Profile shows on the first page. Sometimes, it is the very first result.
If someone asks for me to be a LinkedIn Connection, and I do not know you that well (or at all), I am checking your LinkedIn profile.

There are so many people creating “fake” accounts—LinkedIn Profiles and other profiles. I want to MAKE Connections—NOT FAKE Connections.

I am going to check your LinkedIn Profile. If I am not going to check it, then you can guess that plenty of other people will—especially if they are considering hiring you for a job or giving you business.

{Also: Internet Marketing Tip: Over 7 Ways to be More Effective on LinkedIn}

Honestly, I am going to check your Linked Profile, even if you are a potential customer looking to give me business.

When I am checking your LinkedIn Profile, I am going to check for several things.

Review: White Lake Twp Library Event: Denise Harris-Fiems: Computer Club: Digital Photography

Denise Harris-Fiems spoke at the White Lake Twp Library event this past Thursday (3/1/12).

Denise is the reference librarian at the White Lake Township Library, but she also runs the Computer Club at the library.

A computer club meets monthly at the White Lake Twp (MI) Library.  In March 2012, they discussed digital photography.
This month's computer club meeting had a good turnout, and it focused on digital photography.

This is not an internet marketing group, but there are things discussed within it that an be applied to internet marketing.