This week taught me a good lesson.
Social media marketing (SMM) does not work if you aren't using it properly.
I did some really good things last week. I gave a couple of talks and helped within another class (part of a 5 session series on WordPress), but I forgot to do some things that I was doing right.
Last month was a really good month for my blog. I made several blog posts that captured a lot of people's attention. I deserved it, because they were good.
However, I deserved it for an entirely DIFFERENT REASON.
I marketed what I did, but that was not the only thing I did. I was also social while I was marketing.
Things That Worked
- I was writing blog posts about topics that would really help a lot of people.
- I was marketing these posts--mostly about LinkedIn Tips--to people within LinkedIn.
- I posted several topic-specific posts to people within topic-specific groups.
- I responded to people well, and I personalized (most) of my responses--going the extra mile and catering to something that I saw on their profile.
- I sent personal messages when someone offered something particularly insightful or uniquely encouraging.
- I commented on other people's posts.
This last point is exactly what I did wrong during the last couple of weeks, but that was not all.
Here is what I was doing wrong this past couple of weeks, especially this past week.