Sunday, February 16, 2014

7 Times Your Tweet Will Make Me Click

So what makes YOU decide to click on a link when you’re on Twitter?

There is SO much info on Twitter, it’s tough to READ all of the Tweets, much less actually click on the different links and READ what’s on that link.

That got me thinking…WHAT makes ME click on different links when I see them on Twitter?

I know we all have different reasons for selecting what we want and are willing to read, but after giving it some thought, I realize that these are MY reasons:

1. I feel like I might learn something I want without it being too painful.
2. I might find a resource that will benefit my targeted followers.
3. I’m curious about your seemingly (or potentially) contrarian view.
4. I think there is a chance you might make me laugh.
5. It’s a review of a place I might want to visit (or already have).
6. It’s a review of a product or service I might use.
7. You’re someone I want to promote, and I’m trying to find something of yours I’m willing to promote.

If you’re curious, here is a deeper explanation of each reason.  (Warning, this is a long post!)

1. I feel like I might learn something I want without it being too painful.

I think most of us want to learn something.  However, most writers really aren’t very good, and I’m not the world’s greatest reader.  So I’m a little lazy around all of this, and when I open up an article or blog post from a Tweet link, here are questions I ask myself:

Is this LONG?

If it is long, can I read headlines to quickly get the idea?  If headers are clear, then I can decide which sections to read thoroughly.

Is the writing in a conversational tone—seemingly trying to help me, or is this author simply giving me a “How-To” list?

If it’s a “How-To” list, it better be short and easy to read.  Otherwise, you’re either unoriginal or you’re just trying to show off how much you know, and I’m not very interested in kissing your you-know-what.

I love learning, but don’t make me spend an hour to learn something you really could teach me in two (2) minutes.  Respect me, and I’ll respect you!

2. I might find a resource that will benefit my targeted followers.

I always want to help.  That’s just my nature.

Now I know on Twitter, there are plenty of people who “Follow” me just to play the game.  However, I see myself as a leader, and I know there are many Followers who really want to learn from me.

I see it as my job to help them.  That “help” might come in different forms:

Marketing tips
Showing other great resources
Exposing them to great people resources
Providing info about an event
Sharing their info about an event
Promoting their stuff
Providing THEM more exposure

…and occasionally, even some lighter things, like videos, funny stuff, cool things to see

For me to click on your link for THIS reason (helping my Followers), it needs to be clear to ME that your Tweet and connected link is about THEM—not just about you.

Sometimes, I misjudge this, but I usually err on the side of caution to try protecting my Followers.

3. I’m curious about your seemingly (or potentially) contrarian view.

I’m not always a contrarian, but I’m willing to take THAT stand more often than most other people I meet.

I don’t want to be a contrarian for its own sake, but I really treasure opportunities to show that the status-quo ain’t all that it’s cracked up to be…especially when it might not really make that much sense…despite its popularity.

Likewise, I’m not interested in people who are looking to be contrarians without a true purpose.  However, I almost always appreciate those who think “against the grain.”  I believe that THIS is where some of the BEST ideas come to us.

Plus, ideas that seem to contradict “prevailing logic” tend to get our attention.  It almost becomes infectious…once we make such sense of this “new view” that it almost becomes part of us.

THAT new thought becomes tough to forget…and impossible to ignore.

Yeah, I’m a sucker for clicking on your link when I see this, even if I learn later that I was really just a sucker!

4. I think there is a chance you might make me laugh.

This really requires no further explanation.  Although, as I get older, I find that it’s generally harder to make me laugh (by catching me “off-guard.”)

Just because YOU find it funny doesn’t mean that I’ll find it “funny enough” to let it distract me.

…but I DO like something that resonates with my humor.

5. It’s a review of a place I might want to visit (or already have).

I love good quality reviews, especially if you have a link that will take me to a place that reviews some place I’m considering visiting. Why wouldn’t I click on that?

If I’ve already been to that place you reviewed, I’ll probably click on your link, anyway.  I’m curious to compare your thoughts with mine.  It will also give me a chance to see your writing style.  I realize that there are some places that just can’t be saved by ANYONE’S writing.  However, if I know the place is good yet you find a way to make it dull, I’ll know to avoid your links in the future…maybe.

I AM a sucker for analysis…especially GOOD or entertaining analysis.  I’m probably excited to click on your link.

6. It’s a review of a product or service I might use.

Again, I love analysis, although reviewing products or services don’t excite me as much as reviewing places (unless by service you mean a restaurant…Mmmmmm….), but if I’m considering making a purchase, I might look to your link for help.

A Tweet like, “Does this widget really (have this benefit)?” will do wonders for my curiosity.  You can almost guarantee that I’ll click THAT link.

Now, once I get there, it better seem like an OBJECTIVE REVIEW.  I’m not too interested when it’s obvious within the first paragraph that it’s really just a sales pitch masquerading as a “review.”

However, if I can see myself in that market for it anytime soon, I’m probably clicking on the link in your Tweet about a review.

7. You’re someone I want to promote, and I’m trying to find something of yours I’m willing to promote.

This is probably where I spent the MOST amount of time while I’m on Twitter.  I’m wired to want to help, especially if you’ve shared my info or otherwise promoted me.

I will comb through your Tweets to see whether there is something for me to share.  Likely, I’ll respond with a supporting comment…maybe even asking you a question about it.

What reasons to you click on links on Tweets?  Can you relate with any of my reasons for clicking?  Do you think I'm way off-base on any of these?

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