So what makes YOU decide to click on a link when you’re on Twitter?
There is SO much info on Twitter, it’s tough to READ all of the Tweets, much less actually click on the different links and READ what’s on that link.
That got me thinking…WHAT makes ME click on different links when I see them on Twitter?
I know we all have different reasons for selecting what we want and are willing to read, but after giving it some thought, I realize that these are MY reasons:
1. I feel like I might learn something I want without it being too painful.
2. I might find a resource that will benefit my targeted followers.
3. I’m curious about your seemingly (or potentially) contrarian view.
4. I think there is a chance you might make me laugh.
5. It’s a review of a place I might want to visit (or already have).
6. It’s a review of a product or service I might use.
7. You’re someone I want to promote, and I’m trying to find something of yours I’m willing to promote.
If you’re curious, here is a deeper explanation of each reason. (Warning, this is a long post!)