Internet Marketing Training Resources

Sunday, December 29, 2013

A Winter Walk Reminded Me of an Important Approach to Marketing

I like to go for walks.  I don't take them nearly enough, but I usually enjoy them when I do.

I enjoy them enough that I like taking them in the Winter, even when it's insanely cold outside.  Don't get me wrong, I prefer walks during the Summer, but I enjoy walking enough that I'm willing to take my walks in weather that scares off most other people.

One of the benefits of walking--for me--is that it sort of acts like a form of meditation for me.  I make a lot of realizations just by walking, because let's fact it, unless we're walking along a uniquely picturesque path for the first time, walking--solely as an activity--is not really that exciting.  For most of us, walking is not really a challenge, and once we've traveled through a walking path, there is not too much that deserves our close, focused attention on the 2nd and 3rd times we walk that same path.  So--without really trying--I use it as a form of meditation.

That means a lot of really crazy thoughts come to me while I'm on most of my walks.  Occasionally, I'll make some worthwhile realizations.

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Are you losing money? Does your business cater to a need or a demand?

How do you know you're not making this major mistake?

Are you sure there is money inside your business model?  How are you sure?

I see a lot of businesses make this mistake.  I'm not sure I have not made this mistake myself...many times!

Sure, that prospect NEEDS what you are selling.  He may truly benefit from it, but that does NOT mean that he wants to buy it from you...or anyone else.

Businesses make this mistake SO often that it's comical, except for the fact I see them spending energy on a business without nearly enough demand, regardless of how "useful" it is.

Need vs. Demand: Explaining the Difference

Monday, December 16, 2013

What is your value? It's probably not what you think!

How much are you worth?  Do you know how to determine YOUR value?

One of the biggest challenges I've had since trying to be a business owner is trying to determine how much I really am worth.

I take a look at many other business owners.  Truthfully, one reason is that I am nosy, but the biggest reason is I try to see if I can find a method THEY are using that I can apply to myself.

Most of us do not know our own value.

Truthfully, I am not sure that many of us really use a lot of science on determining our value.